Upcoming Events
Conversations, connections, community.
Check this space in case of cancellations of upcoming events due to weather or other causes.
No Upcoming Cancellations

March Family Fun Night
Join us on Sunday, March 30 5-7pm in the Fellowship Hall for a church family fun night! We will have open gym, board and card games set up in the foyer, and a space to sit and knit, crochet, or do any other sort of handcraft you want. Pizza and bottled water will be provided. All ages are welcome. Old, young, families, individuals, or anything in between, come and enjoy some fun and food together with us!
Please sign up here so that we have an idea of how many pizzas to purchase. Thank you!

Easter Egg Hunt
You are invited to our annual Easter egg hunt on April 5th at 10am at Sea Road Church! If the weather is nice we will be holding the Easter egg hunt outside with an option to hold it in the gym if it rains. Come ready for this event with a bag or basket to collect your eggs. Please register here so that we have an idea of how many children to expect. We look forward to seeing your family there!

Line Dancing
Are you interested in learning line dancing, or joining up with a group to participate in some basic line dances? Come join us at 7:30pm on Monday March 3 and 10 for line dancing lessons! This event is open to church folk as well as the wider Kennebunk community. There will be a break after March 10 while the instructor is away; we will let everyone know when the group will resume.

Flapjacks & Flannels Fellowship Meal
Join us on March 9 after the Sunday morning service for our monthly potluck meal together in the fellowship hall. The men will be taking over the kitchen for a “flapjacks and flannels” brunch. Wear your favorite flannels to church that Sunday and enjoy some pancakes with us afterward! If you would like to bring a side dish to share, click here to see the needs and sign up

All-Church Work Day
Mark your calendars now and plan to join us on Saturday, March 8, from 9:00am-12:00noon for our first all-church work day! While our core buildings are in better shape than they’ve been in some time, we have a lot of small cleanup and repair projects and are looking for a great turnout – whatever your skill base – to attack them.

Line Dancing
Are you interested in learning line dancing, or joining up with a group to participate in some basic line dances? Come join us at 7:30pm on Monday March 3 and 10 for line dancing lessons! This event is open to church folk as well as the wider Kennebunk community. The cost is $5/person. There will be a break after March 10 while the instructor is away; we will let everyone know when the group will resume.

February Family Fun Night
All are welcome to join us for a Family Fun Night on February 23 5-7pm. This is open to everyone, married or single, young or old, with kids or without. Come enjoy being part of our church family with pizza, games, open gym, and good conversation! Sign up here so that we have an idea of how many pizzas to get.

Sea Road Square Dance
Mark your calendars for Sea Road Church's first-ever Winter Square Dance! Join us in the church building on Saturday February 8 starting at 6:30pm for a traditional western square dance. This is a family friendly activity, good for ages 7 through adult--no prior square dance experience needed! Please register here if you are coming so that we have an idea of how many to expect. There will be a suggested donation of $5 per adult to help cover costs, but this is not required.

Fellowship Meal
Join us on February 2 after the Sunday morning service for our monthly potluck meal together in the fellowship hall. We invite everyone who is able to bring a brunch dish to share. Even if you can’t bring anything to share, please come and enjoy this chance to eat and talk together!

Winter Fun Night
Join us for a "Sunday night fun night" on January 26, 5-7pm, in the fellowship hall with open gym, games, pizza, and more! All ages are welcome. Please register using this link so that we know how many pizzas to order. Thanks!

Cozy Crockpot Fellowship Meal
On Sunday, January 12, we will have our first monthly fellowship meal of 2025, and we will be embracing the coziness of winter with a crockpot theme. Bring your favorite slow cooker dish to share after the service. (Desserts and cold drinks are also more than welcome if you don't have a favorite crockpot dish) All are invited to come and eat with us, whether you are able to bring a dish to share or not!

21 Day Prayer & Fasting
Please consider joining us in beginning this new year with a 21 day fast on January 12-February 1, as we seek more of Jesus in our lives, confessing that we need Jesus more than food, more than life itself. For more information about this fast, please stay tuned to our resource page, as we will be sharing more details there as the month progresses.

Candlelight Service
Come join us at 4:30 on December 24 for a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service as we celebrate the birth of our King together in song, prayer, art, poetry, and reflection.

Christmas Caroling
All are welcome to join us on Sunday December 22 after the church service (and cookie exchange) as we go Christmas caroling to some of our housebound church family members. Sandwiches and cold drinks will be provided at the church before we head out caroling!

Christmas Cookie Exchange
We will having a Christmas Cookie Exchange during our fellowship time immediately after the church service on Sunday, December 22! Bring your favorite cookies to swap and share with others as we all get a chance to enjoy each other's baking. *If your cookies are gluten-free, please label them as such so that our gluten-intolerant folks can know which cookies are safe for them to take*

Deck the Halls of Sea Road
Come join us on November 24 from 4-6 pm as we all work together to decorate Sea Road Church for the Advent and Christmas season! All are welcome to come and help us prepare our space for the joy of Advent and Christmas. We will have cookies, hot chocolate, and Christmas music, so even if you don't think of yourself as the decorating type, come out anyway and join in the fun!

Holiday Potluck
We will be having our annual holiday meal on Sunday, November 24, after the church service. The turkey, gravy, stuffing, and cranberry sauce will once again be provided by Dan Crook and Coast2Coast Catering. If you would like to bring a side dish or dessert to share, please click this link. Whether you can bring a dish to share or not, though, please do plan on coming! This is always a wonderful time of fellowship, laughter, fun, and (of course) good food.

Serve Sunday
Kids between ages 4-10 are invited to join Sea Road Church’s November “Serve Sunday” on November 24, 10-11:15am. Kids will be making a craft to give to people in need of encouragement. Parents may drop kids off starting at 9:45am, or they are welcome to stay for our church service. All families are welcome to stay for our holiday meal after! Please click here to register so that we know how many supplies to get.

Annual Meeting
Our annual member meeting will be held after the church service on Sunday, November 17. Please plan to join the meeting if at all possible if you are an active member of Sea Road Church. If you are not a member, you are still welcome to stay for the meeting if you are interested in learning more about how our church functions and what our vision is for the upcoming year.

OCC Shoebox Collection
The final date for returning your filled Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to the church is Sunday, November 17th.

Fall Clean Up
We will be having an all-church work day on Saturday, November 16 from 9am-12noon. We could use all the help we can get, with no particular skills required, as we clean up the campus in preparation for winter's arrival.

Membership Class
If you are interested in becoming a member at Sea Road church, or even just to learn more about what membership means for our church body, we invite you to be part of the membership class on Sunday, October 27th, after the church service. Please sign up here in order to let Pastor Paul know how many to expect. If you are interested in membership but can't make the class, please speak to Paul directly about setting up a time to meet one-on-one to discuss it.

Fall Harvest Festival
On Sunday, October 20th, from 3-5 pm Sea Road Church and Seven Mile Road Church will be having a Fall Festival at Sea Road Church. This festival will be geared towards our kiddos, however, we'd love to see everyone participate and come together as a community!
Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share. We will be awarding a grand prize for the appetizer and dessert that is voted the best.
Please register here how many people will be coming so that we make sure to have enough supplies.

Love & the Outcome Concert
Sea Road Church has partnered with ShowOps Presents to invite you to An Evening with Love & the Outcome taking place right here in Kennebunk!
Location: Sea Road Church - 140 Sea Rd Kennebunk, ME 04043
Date & Time: 10/4 Concert featuring Love & the Outcome begins at 7pm; doors open at 6pm
Tickets: Only $10 for a GA ticket and $20 for VIP. Click here to buy tickets.

Youth Group Gathering
Join Sea Road Church’s youth group for tie dye and a campfire at Kenzie and Colby’s house on September 22, from 5-7pm. Bring your own item of white clothing/accessories to dye, and come prepared for an evening of fun! Contact youthgroup@searoadchurch.org for more information.

Men’s Thursday Night Tailgate
Men and teen boys, please join us at the Sea Road Gym for Thursday Night Football to cheer on the Patriots (and Jets) and for some tailgate food and cornhole. Please click here to register so that we know how much food to preapre.

September Fellowship Meal
Please join us on Sunday, September 8th as we welcome fall back with a fellowship brunch after our morning service. Whether you are able to bring a brunch dish to share or not, you are more than welcome to stay and eat with us.

Missions Sunday
All are welcome to join Sea Road Church on Sunday, September 8th, at 9:30 am to hear what the Lord is doing in our community through the work of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and Community Outreach Service (COS). There will be snacks and coffee after the service as well as a chance to chat further with our speakers about their work.

Parkinson's Ride Rest Stop
Join us at Sea Road Church’s rest stop for the New England Parkinson’s Ride! Sign up here to provide treats and refreshment for the bicyclists, and sign up here to take a shift either helping set up before the event, manning the tables during the event, or cleaning up afterward.

Youth Group Gathering
Join Sea Road Church’s youth group for tubing on the Mousam River on Sunday, August 25th, followed by a picnic lunch. Contact youthgroup@searoadchurch.org for more details!

Youth Group Gathering
Join the youth group at Gooch’s Beach in Kennebunk on Sunday, July 21st at 1pm for some great beach games and to take in God’s creation together!

VBS Celebration & Fellowship Meal
Join Sea Road Church on Sunday, July 28 at 9:30am for our VBS Celebration Sunday! Come to the morning service to sing some of our VBS songs, hear a little bit about what the kids learned, and see what the fun was all about. Stick around after the service for fun, games, and food! We will be having a cookout, a bounce house and water slide, cornhole, and lots of fun. Whether you participated in VBS or not, all are welcome for this fun-filled, celebratory day!