Listening Resources: Community

Below you will find a couple different listening options to help encourage you in your practice of the spiritual discipline of community. First a podcast, followed by a song. Happy listening!

A community of tight-knit relationships in a culture of individualism and tribalism - John Mark Comer Teachings Podcast

How do we cultivate deep community? John Mark explores how the practice of community fits into our cultural moment of the loneliness of tribalism and individualism. He challenges us to press into community, even in pain, wounding, and trauma, since it is in community that we will ultimately find our healing.

Key Scripture Passage: Romans 12

Let the weak, Look to their brother
Lean on a shoulder when they can't stand
No shame in needing one another
Reach out and take hold of a healing hand

Rejoice, again, I say rejoice
Sinners, strangers, we're welcomed in
Lift up your hands, lift up your voice
Sing with all your heart he calls you friend
Sing with all your heart he calls you friend

Let the strong, Carry their neighbor
Bind up the wounded and wash their feet
Open your door, And set your table
The place of honor for the least of these

Rejoice, again, I say rejoice
Sinners, strangers, we're welcomed in
Lift up your hands, lift up your voice
Sing with all your heart he calls you friend
Sing with all your heart he calls you friend

Make us one, Hold us together
Make us one

Make us one, Hold us together
Make us one
Make us one, Hold us together
Make us one
Make us one, Hold us together
Make us one

Rejoice, again, I say rejoice
Lift up your hands, lift up your voice
Rejoice, again, I say rejoice
Sinners, strangers, we're welcomed in
Lift up your hands, lift up your voice
Sing with all your heart he calls you friend


Reflections on Community


Reading Resources: Community